Welcome to the Collier Charitable Fund website

The Collier Charitable Fund is a perpetual charitable trust that was established in 1954 by Alice, Annette and Edith Collier, three Melbourne sisters, as a way to continue, in perpetuity, their lifelong practice of generous support of charities and of the disadvantaged.

Since then, the Trustees of the Fund have been making grants from the Fund's income each year to many worthwhile organisations and projects in Victoria and around Australia. The total value of grants made to date exceeds $126 million. 

"The purpose of the of the Fund is to continue the legacies of Alice, Annette and Edith Collier.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       We strive to improve the lives of Victorians and other Australians by assisting those in need".

Applications for 2024 

Applications for 2024 close on Friday 31 May @ 11:59pm  




Applications for 2024 will open on Monday 8 April and close on Friday 31 May.



Grant report form (acquittal)

The online grant report form, for both progress and final reports can be found under the GRANTS tab.